Integrate SingleFile Extension with Anybox

What’s SingleFile?

SingleFile is an extension that helps you to save a complete page (with CSS, images, fonts, frames, etc.) as a single HTML file.

It’s available in Mac App Store, Chrome Web Store, Firefox Add-ons, and Microsoft Edge Add-ons.

What’s the purpose of the integration?

After the integration, you can directly save archives generated by SingleFile to Anybox as the archive of current tab with one-click of the SingleFile extension.

How to integrate?

  1. Install the SingleFile extension in your choice of browsers.

  2. Right-click the SingleFile extension icon and select “Options” to open SingleFile’s options page.

  3. Under the “Destination” section, select “upload to a WebDAV server”.

  4. In the URL field, fill in “http://localhost:6391/archive”.

  5. In the user identifier field, fill in “anybox”.

  6. In the password field, fill in the API key from “Settings → General” of Anybox.

Please note, for the integration to work, Anybox needs to be running.

SingleFile settings